Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Modding ancient AGP slots is still oddly popular in 2024 to add modern GPUs and boost networking — two adaptors enable GTX 960

By Mar 10, 2024

That strange in-between of PCI and PCIe slots, AGP, has been repurposed for a modern-day NAS board by YouTuber RECNAS for fun and/or profit. Additionally, a Twitter user @tercio_miranda also came across a GTX 960 elaborately mounted to an AGP slot through 2 adapters. 

That strange in-between of PCI and PCIe slots, AGP, has been repurposed for a modern-day NAS board by YouTuber RECNAS for fun and/or profit. Additionally, a Twitter user @tercio_miranda also came across a GTX 960 elaborately mounted to an AGP slot through 2 adapters. 


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